Our Quest

            Team Marsh Hens is seeking to raise the first $10,000 of the $10 million needed within two years to complete Artist Boat's purchase of 1,400 acres of precious wetlands and endangered coastal prairies right in our backyard on Galveston Island's West End. We have already acquired some 690 acres of the land and are halfway to our goal! With your help we can assemble the full 1,400-acre, bay-to-beach Coastal Heritage Preserve on West Galveston Island and do our part to protect and preserve this pristine coastal environment for all time. 

      Take a breathtaking moment now to fly over our Coastal Heritage Preserve by clicking on the below link and see for yourself this awe inspiring natural resource you can play a vital role in conserving for our and future generations:

      Then scroll down and read about team Marsh Hens and how you can join us in this quest!

  • $10,458


  • $10,000


  • 60


  • 281

    Days Remaining

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About Marsh Hens

What's in a Name?

Why Marsh Hens? Couldn’t we have selected a more celebrated team mascot than the common Marsh Hen? Why not the elegant Great Blue Heron or the gorgeous Yellow Crown Night-Heron? Marsh Hens after all are the Rodney Dangerfield of coastal birding; even birdwatchers on an outing routinely step over or around them. That’s in part because Marsh Hens are no one identifiable bird . . . instead the moniker refers to any of the species in the family Rallidae inhabiting marsh wetlands, including the Moorhens pictured above, and a variety of rails, gallinules, and coots (from whence the pejorative “Old Coot” I sometimes answer to is derived).  

While I am, like many of you, merely a newbie, backyard birder at best, we are blessed that our backyards include the coastal prairies, dunes and beaches of the Gulf of Mexico and the coastal tidelands and marshes of Galveston Bay. So, I favor the all-inclusiveness suggested by Team Marsh Hens. We muddling Marsh Hens come from all waddles of life but share a common interest in our enjoyment of the great outdoors and in preserving for future generations to come our coastal prairies, marshes and wetlands for their ecological importance as the nursery for fish, shrimp, and crabs upon which our national fishery depends for survival and as the habitat for hundreds of species of birds and other wildlife . . . even the unsung Marsh Hen. If you believe as we Team Marsh Hens do, join us and be One in a Million!


Al Alsup, Board Chair of Artist Boat and Team Marsh Hens Leader

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